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Summerfield Primary School

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About Us

About US


SCHOOL HOURS (32.5hours per week)

School starts at

8.50 am. (gates open at 8:45am)

Morning playtime KS1

10.40am to 10.55am

Morning playtime KS2

11.05am to 11.20am

Lunchtime KS1

12.00am to 12:55pm

Lunchtime KS2

12.20pm to 1.05pm

Afternoon playtime KS1

 1.55pm to 2.10pm

School ends at

3.20 pm

Please be on time at ten to nine!

This is when children are settled for their day of learning. Every morning children are taking part in their phonics learning, reading activities or maths learning as soon as the school day starts.
If your child/children arrives after the school gates close, please bring them to the front door to sign in at the office. Children can enter their classroom as soon as the doors are opened at 8.45am. This avoids congestion in the cloakrooms and encourages a calm start to the day. School gates will be closed at 9.00am.
8.45 am – 11.45 am


12.15pm – 3.15pm

Our 'Breakfast Club' begins at 7.30am

Our Sunshine Club (after school club) runs from 3.20pm to 5.15pm