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Summerfield Primary School

Welcome to the Summerfield Primary School website.  

Please find a link to our school calendar. here

Welcome back  after the summer break. We hope you have had a wonderful summer. We are looking forward to seeing all our children again and meeting our new Reception and Nursery children.

For any parents/carers looking for Reception places for 2025/2026 our open day events are Tuesday the 17th of September from 3.45pm until 5.45pm, Tuesday the 1st of October from 1.00pm until 3.00pm and Thursday the 17th of October from 10.00am until 11.30pm. If these times are not convenient for you please contact the school office to arrange an alternative visit.

Flourishing Families will be in school on Thursday the 19th of September completing a cooking course with some of our parents/carers and children. This is a 6 week programme.

On Thursday the 12th of September our 'Election Day' took place and our new 'School Council Members' were elected. Well done to all the children who prepared their very own manifestos for the day.

Parent/Carer evening will take place on Thursday the 10th of October 2024.

Our Monster Ball will take place on the 23rd of October 2024 after school. 

The last day of this half term is the 25th of October 2024.  We return to school on Monday the 4th of November 2024.




I would like to warmly welcome you to Summerfield Nursery. We are a special place that is the first link between your home and school. Parental involvement and strong home-school relationships are viewed as an integral part of early years education in our setting. Our staff will gladly and readily discuss your children, their progress and what they have been learning during whilst in school.  We are also always keen to find out about what children are interested in and what they have been doing at home. This can be discussed with staff in person, or photos and comments can be uploaded through Tapestry. 

 The Nursery Teacher and Nursery Practitioners are committed to the welfare of the children in their care. Anxious children soon gain confidence through the one-to-one attention and encouragement they receive. Each child is allocated a key worker who will develop a special relationship with your child. Reception  staff also support and guide children during outdoor play and joint Early Years activities.

Please see below the flexible sessions we offer:







AM : 8.45-11.30 






PM : 12.15-3.15






2 full days, 1 half day



(AM or PM)



2 full days, 1 half day



(AM or PM)




30 hours *







* For those eligible, we also offer government funded 30 hours’ free childcare. Children are also able to attend the Summerfield Breakfast and After School Clubs.

Breakfast club runs from 7.30-8.45 am

After school club runs from 3.15- 6 pm


We look forward to meeting you soon. If you require any further information, please complete  Nursery Enquiries Form

or contact the school office on 0113 2057520.




We look forward to working with you and your family as your child begins their exciting Nursery journey.