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Summerfield Primary School


 Attendance and Punctuality at Summerfield Primary School 

Our aim is for every child to achieve at least 96% attendance.

Attendence News

Our weekly attendance for the week commencing  27/01/2025 was 94%

Winning class Year 5 - Silver Birch - 99.31%


The link below will provide you with guidance from Leeds authority in regards to attendance / absences and the law.



Links to information from the Department for Education.




Attendance Policy

Attendance Leaflet for Parents/Carers



Education lays the vital foundations for a child’s life. Research clearly demonstrates that there is a link between regular attendance and educational progress, attainment and future successes. The Education Act 1996 states that all pupils should attend school regularly and punctually. Both parents and schools have a shared responsibility to ensure that this happens. Through working in partnership with parents and carers, we aim to ensure that all children have equal opportunities to access all elements of school life.

What does good attendance look like?

Attending school every day will enable your child to:

  • Learn new skills
  • Make friends and build lasting relationships
  • Develop confidence
  • Develop good routines

We understand that illness is unavoidable and to be expected, however it is very important to inform the school on each day of absence either by phone (0113 2057520), via email (office@summerfieldprimary.org.uk) or in person at the school office.

The NHS also have a fantastic website which can be used to determine whether your child/children should be absent from school. Click on the link to find out more: Is my child too ill for school? - NHS (www.nhs.uk) 

We also ask that dental and medical appointments are taken outside of school hours or as close to the end of the school day as possible. Holidays in term time are not authorised and could result in a fine.

How is good attendance rewarded?

  • Attendance trophy and treats for highest class attendance every week.
  • CLASSOPOLY which involves classes moving one or more places around a 'playing board' on display in the hall, depending on the % of attendance for the whole class in the previous week - from 96% upwards. The class 'lands' on a member of staff who then offers the class a reward for their good attendance.
  • Our weekly incentive scheme is a token based reward system. Children are awarded one token at the end of each full week they attend school on time. We have prizes to the value of one token up to 14 tokens so children can choose to spend or save their tokens to receive several smaller prizes or one or two greater ones.
  • Our children also receive weekly raffle tickets for 100% attendance. These are added in to a KS1, LKS2 and UKS2 draw. At the end of each half term children have the chance to win a £10.00 voucher.
  • Children are also given stickers for 100% attendance weekly.
  • Each half term we have a special attendance assembly and children are presented with certificates for improved attendance, 96% or above attendance and 100% attendance.
  • Children with a 100% attendance for the whole year are entered in to a draw for a bicycle.
  • The class with the best attendance for the year also receives a special reward- this may be bowling, cinema visit, picnic in the park...


What happens if your child is absent from school?

For every day of school missed by a pupil it will reduce their attendance by 0.5%.

Days Absent

Equal to Absence %

Overall Attendance % by End of Year

1 day



5 days



10 days



20 days




Any attendance percentage under 90% is regarded as a persistent absence and will be monitored closely. You will:

  • Receive a weekly parentmail
  • Receive a phone call from school to discuss absence/attendance.
  • Home visit from members of the senior leadership or safeguarding team.
  • Receive a letter from school about attendance.
  • Be invited into school to attend an attendance meeting with the Pastoral Lead or Headteacher.

What happens if your child’s attendance falls below 90% following the above actions?

  • Receive a penalty notice or fine
  • A referral for further support
  • Possible prosecution

Who to contact if you are worried about attendance?

If you have concerns about your child’s attendance, struggle to get your child to school or have questions about attendance, illness and holidays please get in touch. Remember that our aim is to work together, there are no silly questions and talking through strategies often helps.

For support with attendance difficulties please arrange to speak to June King - our Pastoral Care Lead - as there are ways in which school can help.

Why is punctuality important?

Please ensure your children are in school for an 8.50am start.

If a child is five minutes late each day this will equate to 25 minutes of lost learning time each week, around 2.5 hours lost each half term, one day lost each term and three days every year and 18 days between years one to six! Please help your child to maximise every minute of learning they can by attending school every minute they possibly can.


 Take a look at our attendance leaflet to find out more about attendance and how you can help your child. Further information can be found in our Attendance Policy.