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Summerfield Primary School

Welcome to the Summerfield Primary School website.  

Please find a link to our school calendar. here

Welcome back  after the summer break. We hope you have had a wonderful summer. We are looking forward to seeing all our children again and meeting our new Reception and Nursery children.

For any parents/carers looking for Reception places for 2025/2026 our open day events are Tuesday the 17th of September from 3.45pm until 5.45pm, Tuesday the 1st of October from 1.00pm until 3.00pm and Thursday the 17th of October from 10.00am until 11.30pm. If these times are not convenient for you please contact the school office to arrange an alternative visit.

Flourishing Families will be in school on Thursday the 19th of September completing a cooking course with some of our parents/carers and children. This is a 6 week programme.

On Thursday the 12th of September our 'Election Day' took place and our new 'School Council Members' were elected. Well done to all the children who prepared their very own manifestos for the day.

Parent/Carer evening will take place on Thursday the 10th of October 2024.

Our Monster Ball will take place on the 23rd of October 2024 after school. 

The last day of this half term is the 25th of October 2024.  We return to school on Monday the 4th of November 2024.


Attendence News

Our weekly attendance for the week commencing  09/09/2024 was 93.4%

Winning class Y1 - Larch with 98.95%


Please ensure your children are in school at 8.45am. We are still trying to reduce the number of children who arrive late each day and once again ask for your support in this matter.

For support with attendance difficulties please arrange to speak to June King - our Safeguarding and Social Emotional Mental Health Leader - as there are ways in which school can help. We have various incentive and reward schemes in place for attendance including CLASSOPOLY which involves classes moving one or more places around a 'playing board' on display in the hall, depending on the % of attendance for the whole class in the previous week - from 96% upwards. The class 'lands' on a member of staff who then offers the class a reward for their good attendance.

Our weekly incentive scheme is a token based reward system. Children are awarded one token at the end of each full week they attend school on time. We have prizes to the value of one token up to 14 tokens so children can choose to spend or save their tokens to receive several smaller prizes or one or two greater ones.

If a child is five minutes late each day this will equate to 25 minutes of lost learning time each week, around 2.5 hours lost each half term, one day lost each term and three days every year and 18 days between years one to six! Please help your child to maximise every minute of learning they can by attending school every minute they possibly can.

Click here to see the impact of missing school over time and the corresponding loss in terms of a child's education and development.

Thank you - Summerfield Team.